Monday 30 April 2012

Still Life - Page 2.

Lighting Set-up
Here is the lighting set-up which I have decided to use. the contact sheets show the variation of powers I decided to use to light up the object.

Attempting Photographs - 2.
To begin I photographed flowers, which I had purchased from the market against a white background.
They turned out fairly succesful, but I found it very difficult to get the background white. I also felt that using the white background wasn't very appropriate for photographing a very yellow, almost white, flower, although the greens of the stem came out very nice with the colours.

Attempting Photographs - 3.
Here is the contact sheet for the black background I used to photograph behind the flowers. The black background came out much better than the white. It really makes the colours of the flower head stand out beautifully.

Here is the photograph I wanted to use as my final image. The contrast and tone has been changed slightly to make the colours stand out even more, but that's all. The reason why I didn't use this photograph is because the narrowness of the image makes the flower look very close and compact, more space around the flower is needed.

Here is the image I have decided to use as my final image. I am very fond of the focal length in this particular image.

  • The image does need to be cropped though, perhaps into a square.

Here is my final image, cropped into more of a square image. The contrast and tone was edited as well for this final image. 
Overall I am very happy and very fond of this photograph. The detail is very nice and I do like how it has a Georgia O'keeffe feel to it.

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