Monday 30 April 2012

Still Life- Page 1.

Still Life: Art History Theme

You will research and produce a still life that is inspired by someone or something in the history of art. It could be an artist, image, sculpture, film or performance. The work can have a fine art or commercial approach.

I know instantly that I will want my photograph to have a fine art approach, simply because I enjoy still life much more that any commercial approach.
For this still life brief, I would like to work in the studio, simple to increase my experience of working in it and make myself more familiar with controlling lights.

Make your own.
To begin, I decided to experiment and I decided to create my very own miniature photographic studio by using a desk lamp and black card. I folded the black card in half in order to use it as the background and bottom underneath an object.

I photographed peppers mostly, to attempt to recreate Edward Weston's photograph of the pepper. I also photographed a small clock which I kept at the end of a chain. It was fun to mess around with lights and change camera settings, but I want to work in the studio.

I am quite fond of flowers and nature, so I wouldn't mind taking some photographs of flowers against a dark background, to highlight their vibrant and colour.

Georgia O'keeffee
My main influence in my still photograph will be Georgia O'keeffe, an artist which I have studied in A-levels, a very talented painter who painted a vast variation of flowers over her career. Interesting two of the photographers which I looked at for my pastiche, photographed Georgia O'keeffe. 
O'keeffes painting always look very delicate, which I aim to outline in my final photograph. It also has bold colour background which might be something to consider.
She is an inspiration to art because she was known around the world as a great painter and artist

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